in my usual absurd and simplistic manner, I suggest that women who take their ovaries to another US state to get any kind of care, stay in that state permanently.
Why would you return to a state that has seized control of your egg supply? You are not a chicken, who is owned by a farmer, and who lays eggs for that farmer! You are a person! Clearly, When Margaret Attwood wrote The Handmaids Tale, she was warning us against converting women into the property of men. She was not creating a manual for the enslavement of her gender.
So, when you are forced from your state to get medical care that is not legal there, please do not go back. I know that you have a job and a house and friends of both genders there. You had to leave to get the one fertilized egg decommissioned. Now is your chance to regain control of all the remaining eggs. You will be able to raise the offspring that you choose to give birth to; in a system where they have similar personal freedoms.
First off, I want to deal with the idea that these anti abortion laws are just the start of something. The current trend of preventing minorities from voting, and forcing women to give birth is heading somewhere. one must remember that the far right favors walls and punishments and militarized borders. They are going for something like a cold civil war.
At some point, the walls will go up, and there will be no more leaving that state. Everyone who lives in that state will become a permanent resident who may not leave. Obviously, you have to be gone before then. There may be no announcement by mail, or on the TV or radio. The state border could turn into a militarized country border overnight with no warning.
It is a backsliding of rights, so that is unusual. Imagine a young US before the slave trade got going. Then, on a certain date large scale human trafficking begins. One day, a darkly skinned person can cross from south to north, or north to south according to their own desires. The next day, they are someone's personal property on one side of the border, and they own themselves on the other side of that line.
As far as doctors, I can not imagine a single female doctor would choose to stay in a state where the men own the woman. A woman who has gone through a lot of schooling, and has accepted responsibility for the care of others will not like being told that she herself is no longer qualified to make decisions about her own eggs or ovaries. That goes for trainees as well. Who would train to be medical provider in a state where a raped woman must always give birth to her rapists baby, even if that baby is her brother or sister.
If people accept this state of affairs in the republican led states, it means that they will likely go a bit further, and tolerate other unusual erosion of rights. Perhaps slavery could return in some states. Certainly people of color and native Americans have been discouraged from voting. It is hard to dream up the measures that we could see, because going backwards in human rights seems deeply wrong. We could see a different minimum wage and draft requirements for blacks and whites. Women could have a birth certificate that provided to the father at birth. A Dad would legally own his daughter, and would sell her to the husband by signing the birth certificate in the appropriate box like a car title.
Yes, I find it creepy that People are using books like Mine Kompf and The Handmaids Tale as manuals for their coup attempt. Certainly Hitler's plan succeeded in a brutal and efficient manner. When he got into power for the second time, he was able to mobilize a violent minority to take over all of Germany, and then much of Europe! he told lies in a louder and louder voice until he got enough people to believe the lies. But, following the handmaids tale to it's ugly fruition is a date with disaster. And, it is good to remember that we have much much more harmful weapons than did Hitler in 1940. It is my hope that we will quit prodding Russia and China to participate in a nuclear contest with us. That we will reverse the decisions of this worthless supreme court, and put real justices on the bench. The reactionary ones were put in specifically to help with coup attempts and the further erosion of civil rights.
I suggest that we help women who wish to move out of states where they do not own their eggs. provide transport and a military escort. Help them to settle in an area that allows them to make personal birth and travel decisions. Either this right wing fandango will fade, or we will be having a civil war before we can irritate anyone into firing nukes at us. The first US civil war was nasty, but the second could be much worse. I purposely moved from a far right state to Washington when Trump took office, so I do walk the walk. I wished to be on the correct side of Trump's wall if it is built to surround the right wing states. So, that is my suggestion. If you are liberal, get to a liberal state.
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