Saturday, April 11, 2020

Our world war

A repeat of history? How could we be so foolish?

As I filter the news through my nonsense filter, I find that something seems to be struggling to repeat past events. It is the darnedest thing! I am cast back to Adolf Hitler. I can see him pointing and spitting and shouting in staccato bursts. But, this time he is fat and orange haired. And he is talking in confusing circles. He is choosing verb tenses at random, like a oddly flawed lie telling machine.

Well, I say to myself, “Self..., at least this Adolf is really working for the good of mankind in general, and I live in the wealthiest land with the most personal freedom!.... America of the 2020s bears no resemblance to 1930s Germany !” .

To begin with, the US of the present day is a force for world freedom and democracy! Well, not so much. My country has recently started bragging about it's skill at torture, and it's world record prison populations. Instead of spreading democracy, my country has most recently occupied 2 resource rich countries. There has been no middle eastern or world resistance to the US seizing of oil reserves and strategic locations. It is reminiscent of the success of the blitzkrieg. Overwhelming, lightning fast wars carried out by gentlemen and gentlewomen in snappy outfits.

“Well, I say to myself.... at least we are entirely free from tyranny within the tight borders of the US!”
As far as that, the US borders are the scene of some kind of holocaust.  Refugees are allowed to come north, are exploited for their labor, and are ejected when their labors are less desperately needed. The “justice” system in the US has been replaced by an absurd concession. For profit jails lock up about every hundredth able adult in the country. Best represented in the permanent for-profit prison population is the black race. A people that were literally stolen from their homes in Africa and brought to the American continent as property.

The US military fights wars using oil company contract workers as shock troops.
The favorite tactic lately is the precision drone attack. Basically, we burn people to death with robots!

So, a country that was reluctant to join ww2 when Hitler got out of control, is now using Nazi Germany as it's role model. The place that was once famous for frontier law, mining booms and adventure currently shelters the most spied upon and captured population on earth.

Note the results of the Covid 19 infection of 2020. It is revealed that the health care system of the wealthiest nation in the world is really a baroque sort of milking apparatus for the captured population. The constitution of the country had not been able to withstand a novel development. Clever checks and balances had been built in so that the various parts of the government would forever be in battle with one another. No religious group or political party could gain too much control.

The flaw was the original concept of the corporation. A group of people who incorporated (literally.... clothed itself in a body) would enjoy more rights and fewer responsibilities. This allowed such embodied virtual citizens to create impossible things, like railroads and canals.

An entity like a corporation would be controlled by government so that a single monopoly would not get more wealthy than a country. That did not work. Corporations eventually did form overpowering monopolies, and took over the governments of countries. The US federal government fell in 2011, when energy companies staged a precision false flag attack on buildings in New York City. New laws were passed, and the controls of the best weapons on Earth were passed over to Oil company executives. US elections began to be rigged, so that Banking and Oil CEOs got elected no matter who the people 'voted' for.

Oil production was never about making the Earth a better place. Much the opposite. Burning a lot of oil is similar to a constant volcanic eruption. And taking refined fossil fuel high up into the atmosphere to burn it inefficiently was probably not one of our  brighter mental light bulbs. The checks and balances of the earth's various systems are not suited for controlling an exponential explosion in human population and energy use.

By this point, the US has dragged it's heals about changing from liquid fuel to gaseous fuel. Big wars were fought to avoid the use of natural gas, which has always plentiful in the US. Now, it is too late for the use of any flammable substance. The gaseous phase of portable energy use will be skipped. The US, having switched from solid fuel to liquid fuel, will now change directly to electricity. The introduction of Hybrid cars in the US was intended to dupe a poorly educated public. The poor cattle actually thought that they were getting electric cars!

A lot is left up to us {the citizens of the US}. We have a Hitler guy shouting for walls and wars. We really, really care about money right now. Money seems so important that we will go to war. We will fight for the money that we think that we deserve. We have rolled, almost unopposed into our Poland and into our Chekoslovkia. (Afghanistan and Iraq) Israel stands ready to be our Japan. Israel holds a US-made gun against the heads of any resource rich country that defies our might. We even have an Italy and a Mussolini! Saudi Arabia is our pet middle eastern friend!

I am glad that I did not fall off of one of my un-roped climbs without seeing this. It is an incredible time. The 2020 election in the US is Hitler's graduation from political leader to fuehrer. If Trump wins, we will find that we are already in ww3.

If Trump wins, I predict that the US will roll into another country with a little more  opposition from the rest of the world. And then, we will make some final error that will unite the whole world against the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, (and a few other US satellites).

Further, one of our allies will change sides as our leader becomes more and more demented and insane. The US will be conquered, rebuilt by a mighty China, Europe and Soviet power. US aggression will be discouraged by world law, and the US will be divided up, to make alliances between states more difficult.

[Or, we could elect someone besides Trump!]

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I was a traveling climbing shoe repairman. Now, i take care of remote property, and attempt to create a new kind of lifestyle using portable buildings with solar power and passive solar heating.