feeble sheep up and left, awesome wolves head down and right.
If I understand the message of the proud boyz and the other right wing groups,
they would like more freedom.
much fewer laws.
More like the old west.
Well, pardner,
that is Texas!
I can see that it is about to go wrong in a big way if the right wing strategy comes to every area of the US.
It is better than the reds and the blues do not duke it out any more,
but each retreat to their corner.
Build that Trump wall if that is what you want to do.
But, build it along the edge of a new confederacy.
We sheeple [as you call us] will fester here on the west coast, with no walls or moats or anything like that.
You may live using laws that you choose in the southeast.
You wont have to get any shots, or wear a mask, [but you can wear a gorilla mask and carry an AR15 if you want to!].
Everything will be up to you in the promised land.
Texas has a separate power grid, tougher laws for those pesky criminals, and much fewer mandates and laws for good people.
You will never have to give up your guns there,
and [since it is less socialistic] you will be able to keep more of your earnings.
If we agree to split up, The new confederacy can have laws that are very different from laws on the hippie coast.
Drive what you want to. We will use electric sissy cars,
but you can keep drilling up oil and using the real cars.
I am pretty darn sure that we will stop drilling in the next few years on the coast.
It has not been working.
We are going to let women marry women, and adopt kids, and fight in wars.
Men will marry men, and adopt kids, and fight in wars.
We are going to be big whiners about infectious disease.
Diapers on our silly liberal faces.
always whining and running off for injections!
Sort of like the Asians.
Hell, a lot of us are Asian and Jewish and Black and Hispanic and .......
Lets just say a date,
and draw some lines,
and everybody get to the right side of the line.
There are cities and rural areas in this proposed new confed. and on the Coast,
so I am hoping that everyone can find a great spot with their chosen people.
Britain left their union.
Russia lost some of it's satellites.
Now, it is our turn to downsize.
There need not be any war or economic sanctions or travel restrictions.
Just some new borders, and we can slowly let our governments pass different laws.
It is already happening.
Texas is passing laws that directly countermand US law.
There are also left wing law suits against right wing gangs!
It is just costly and frustrating and inefficient to try to pass the same exact laws for Dallas and for Seattle.
And, people will not follow laws now, unless they agree with them.
And, Peoples paradigms have shifted along cultural and geographic lines, so that they believe things that are in direct opposition.
So, yea, lets take a few years to get our stuff in the right place and get what walls we like erected,
and then split the heck up!
No second civil war needed.