Monday, February 8, 2021

is the US government simply a puppet show used to distract citizens while large corporations create the laws?

now the political pendulum has swung the other way. We see a second installment of stimulus payment #2 under consideration. One of 2 oil pipelines have been cancelled. The pandemic is finally being addressed. There is talk of changing border policies.

But, there is the lingering feeling that it is all a puppet show to distract us while the CEOs and shareholders of companies create laws, make treaties, and carry out whatever war that they want. It seems that Trump was a sort of Trojan horse that was rolled into the white house to take over the government more formally, and to drop the puppet show in favor of a never ending civil war.

From the company's perspective, that would have been cheaper than leaving an effective government in place, and spending lots to think up new episodes of the puppet show to distract citizens in new and disturbing ways. it was a strong try, and we got to see a government virtually shut down, international agreements ended, and policy set by an evil clown using tweets in broken english.

There was a pretty obvious lead in to ww3, with the US standing in for Nazi Germany in this act of the show. What is so scary is how close it came to working! Bullies were empowered, and then whipped by the president to overthrow the government after the election was lost. As a country, the US is a very nasty bully. 

How would one go about fixing this problem? 

Our civilization needs a basic restructuring. Corporations do not need to be broken up into bits. They need to be disbanded. The idea of the corporation was sound 200 years ago, when there were huge continents to cross with canals and railroads. More recently, corporations have become predators or farmers. They live off of the people like tapeworms, or keep them captive like livestock.  They are free to create huge messes, and then, after the riches are extracted, their livestock or hosts are left to clean up the mess.

I have tried to talk about insurance as one of the ways that slavery has been able to continue into the modern age. Insurance is a great scam. People used to have stored wealth, that they would use when they needed a car or a medical procedure. Insurance, and expecially government mandated mandatory insurance is like a tapeworm, that eats the creatures food before it can be digested, and replaces the food with their poop.

This works because the people are not educated well. They are superstitious and fearful, and can no longer think for themselves. The few that bother to get a sound education are simply hired by the very companies that are making messes and sucking away savings. I know this because it happened to me. i was trained in computers and astrophysics at New Mexico Tech. I intended to work for NASA when i graduated. But, NASA was falling apart when i got my degree, and i was hired by a giant oil company instead. 

This happened to most of my friends at NMT. People that had hoped to help the environment were hired by Exxon. Folks that has always dreamed of using the most powerful computers on earth to solve problems ended up making weapons of war. This is a direct result of allowing a ficticious entity [the corp.] to get most of the money in the world. The people [or cattle] are left with empty bank accounts, and with insurance for any conceivable emergency. This economic drain does not stimulate the economy. The entities simply pocket the profit, creating an ever more unequal distribution of wealth.

Needless to say, these corps will fight to the death to stay in power. Rather than dissolving, they would destroy the environment, and instigate a series of never ending wars. The wars would not always be between countries. they could be between races, or genders, or groups that believe a certain set of things.

I honestly can not dream up a way to dissolve the corporations without them killing the world. Perhaps someone will comment with a good idea. I moderate the comments, so dont bother to pin the problems to a racial group or religion or ideology. 



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I was a traveling climbing shoe repairman. Now, i take care of remote property, and attempt to create a new kind of lifestyle using portable buildings with solar power and passive solar heating.